Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Late Afternoon Crack Break

i just stapled myself to an important document.

also my victoria's (not-so-)secret underwear is showing. it's kind of hot.

i look very tousled. like i just woke up from bed. but in a sexy way. if i were on MySpace and had a webcam, you would totally be getting a live feed. be glad i'm not. and therefore, you're not. whoooo. be so glad.

gallery of anonymous camera mugging (work it, homeys)

and the winner of course...


Anonymous said...

aww, Lee Hotti. You saved the best for last.

Ron said...

be glad you're not? i don't think so! i'm really upset that you'd tease us like that...

[you know what we want]

Ron said...

also if you're still

Anonymous said...

hi ron, i'm still up. let's play.

Ron said...

tag, you're it.

Aparna said...

i was in bed at a reasonable hour last night. hope you boys had fun.

Anonymous said...

whom were you in bed with?

Aparna said...

my dignity.