and so this round of battle, i win. but i probably won't win the war. be forewarned. because at some point, each member of the female species must turn to herself and say, "do i really give a crap as to the implications of this verbal throatslash?"
and i think we all know the answer to that one. in the heat of the menstrual flow, no one is immune. i am disposing of potential life this week, and you're included, buddy. muhahahahaahaahaaaa, *throws head back again and again*, ha, ahem, ha, ahem, haaaa. *coughcough* ha. *squeak* heh. *resume semblance of normalcy.*
other victims of the female punctuation mark of doom
Wow ...your period tells you to say and do stuff?
Wow again.
I guess from your description, I'm lucky.
Seems I escaped the "punctuation mark of doom"
Hope you make it through without being charged with anything. ;-)
ah fritter. what's a little felony here and there?
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