Monday, November 20, 2006

New Year's Resolution: Buy More Milk

oh wow.

i know i talk about food a lot. you could even say, too much. but this needs to be said.

this year, at my work, for the holidays...

we are having...

not only a secret santa/menorah fairy/kwanzaa spirit/festive karma gift exchange...

but also...

are you ready?

i'm not sure if you're ready...

wait for it....

i'm serious.

hold on. this is just annoying, isn't it?

chain email forward, anyone?

...OK. i'm going to say it....


courtesy of Flickr and Kraftykat

what does this mean exactly?

well it means this...

courtesy of Flickr and khara

and it means everyone bakes 60 cookies and you take an even share of every batch as well as all recipes involved. where is the fatal flaw?

THERE IS NONE. i leave with my pockets full of cookies. this pretty much defines success in every civilization, ever. including the cannibalistic ones.

i'd like to think even the darkest parts of our selves bake cookies.

courtesy of Flickr and Angelynne


d said...


That's me struck down by the sheer fabuosity of a workplace cookie exchange ...pockets stuffed with cookies? get outta town!

Very nifty.

Miss Scarlet said...

I always forget to make them, though. Ha!

Sounds yummy, though.

Aparna said...

i know. i feel like the luckiest little girl in all the world!