Monday, April 23, 2007

Spring? You Can't Handle the Spring!

wear dark glasses and a sun hat! it's National Paparazzi Day!*

photo courtesy of Flickr and NoNo Joe

firsto, i like today because the first thing i got in my mailbox this morning was an email with attachment from a colleague saying "my bad, here it is!" MY BAD!? MY BAD?! more like YOUR AWESOME! thanks for that, professional double cheek kiss, talk soonest.

secondly, i found a priceless tidbit in this article. all you have to read is the first sentence. corporate comedy? net worth...priceless.

thirdish -- a dog named shanti attacked my face this weekend when i was jogging. attacked affectionately, but also unexpectedly. but the owner kept shouting "his name is shanti! his name is shanti!" as the dog continued its frenzied campaign against my head. i'm not sure if the man did this because a) the word shanti is from an ancient indian language called sanskrit, and i am indian so i would think that was delightful or b) the word shanti means "peace" and so i shouldn't take the face-attacking to heart. it was probably a combination of the two things. the slobber scars impaired my ability to deduce the situation properly. or wait, the third option is that he was telling me the dog's name so i might assuage the creature. whoops.

this dog is also not known for thinking things through
photo courtesy of Flickr and Snelvis

and fourthest, the current sunshine is making out with my soul. great kisser.

also watch this if you haven't seen it yet.

*i made this up.

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