Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Truth Hurts. Good Thing I'm Into That S&M Shit.

message from anonymous friend, just received: "oh, oh, have you seen the new newsletter "*****" ? It's for Capitol Hill singles. It's really badly written but has some interesting (and some hackneyed) articles about hooking up/dating/being bisexual but not nyphomaniac"

um, yes. that would be the newsletter for which i write columns. bwahahahahahahaha.

bless the truth, bless all of it.


Yoda said...

Really? S&M, You? If at all, I'd like to read that column of yours!

Aparna said...

no, not really...actually.

Anonymous said...

Does that publication have a URL? I know a particular misanthropic single who is pretty close to Capitol Hill...