Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Reality TV Versus "Real" Life

In attempting to live my life and create a guiding foundation for some sort of a moral code, I am breaking the three covenants of reality TV by saying the following.

(But hey, I am willing to be the character everyone hates to love, but they just do anyway, unconditionally and eternally.)

1. I like drama in small, manageable amounts.

There. I said it.

I feel so freeeeeeeeeeeeee!

2. I am here to make friends.

3. I don't always keep it real.

The converses of all three of these statements are staunch pillars for all reality shows everywhere and also most Bollywood and Lifetime movies where friends, fates, and destinies are all pre-arranged in the cosmos akin to a two-piece jigsaw puzzle. And drama is embraced, but only with the caveat that no one approves of it in the least.

But I'm pretty sure these "principles" are upheld with a huge wink and a nod (plus a covert double thumbs up) to the offstage producer.

So without further ado, let's roll!

For your viewing pleasure, I present to you...


Catfight, Indoors
photo courtesy of Flickr and Mel B.

Catfight, Outdoors (Suburban)
photo courtesy of Flickr and gerriet

Catfight, In the Wild
photo courtesy of Flickr and tiny froglet

Catfight, Black and White (They so rarely are!)
photo courtesy of Flickr and Da_Vinzy

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