Monday, July 21, 2008

Connect the Dots & Thank Your Lucky Stars

I think I'm figuring out the importance of connections. I think the reason I miss Alice so much is not because we were so very very close, but because she was one of those people who made you happy just knowing that she was out there in the world. The little messages I got from her bespoke a connection and impact far deeper than even she might have realized. She represented so much good and contentment for me, and it's hard to even acknowledge that that little light is no longer burning.

(Why doesn't she get to do all the things the rest of us get to do? Even down to the miniscule effort of tying a shoe?)

But going to Massachusetts this past weekend showed me how much she meant to so many people, and in a way, it was truly comforting and peaceful. Because in that way, I learned how parts of Alice are still very much alive.

It's strange how just one little conversation with another human being can be enough sometimes to convince you that everything will be ok. And not even someone you know particularly well. I conversed with the IT guy today who came to replace Ol' Faithful (he actually called the compo that, which begs the question...does he read my inane story-rambles?! As Cathy would say, Ack!!! Maybe we just operate on similar wavelengths. Ladyfingers crossed) and I asked him about his weekend. And it was really swell to listen to hear him talk about it. It was genuinely so nice because he went ahead and told me all about it. It made me happy.

I need to do that more often.

In silly news, I saw a man in full pajamas at a rest stop yesterday driving the I-95 north-to-south corridor, and I realized he must be doing something right. We all could learn from him!

Behold the stylish cut and everyday comfort of los pijamas! This is not actually the Pajama Man, for the record.
photo courtesy of Flickr and kballard


j.c. said...

I lost a close friend in a car accident about six months ago, and a lot of what you're saying really connected with me.

I didn't want to say anything because I figured it'd be a downer, because, well, even after a while, it is a little uncomfortable thinking about it.

But, I was walking around DC tonight and I saw the bike.

And I thought of you. And your friend. And my friend. And, well, everyone that I haven't spoken to in a while that I really need to.

Have a great day. I'll see you around.

Aparna said...

Justin - Thank you so much for writing. It really means a lot to me, and I'm so sorry about your friend.

It doesn't really get easier, but I think you gain more peace as you go along. But again, I really appreciate you taking the time to open up and share your own experiences. Every little bit helps.

Onward with the business of laughter and life. Not to forget those we love, but to honor them. Be well.